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What You Will Learn

  • How to Understanding the Media

    Understanding the media is a critical first step to telling your story, and our training answers these questions ー and more ー to better equip you for interviews.

  • How to Prepare for Interviews

    Our training will prepare you to take control of any interview and ensure you deliver the key messages that push you closer to your goal.

  • How to Answer Tough Questions

    Our media training will help you know how to advance your story, even if you're asked tough questions.


Get the most out of Pinkston's media training.

Course Curriculum

    1. Watch: Introduction and Goals of Media Training

    1. Read: Guiding Principles

    2. Watch: The Long Game of Going Big

    3. Read: Ground Rules

    4. Read: Your Rights in an Interview

    5. Quiz #1: Understanding the Media

    6. Quiz #2: Ground Rules

    7. Quiz #3: Your Rights in an Interview

    1. Watch: How to Prepare for an Interview

    2. Quiz #4: How to Prepare for an Interview

    1. Watch: When You Get an Unexpected Call

    2. Quiz #5: When You Get an Unexpected Call

    1. Watch: How to Be Quotable

    2. Read: Language Matters

    3. Quiz #6: How to Be Quotable

    1. Watch: During the Interview: TV, Radio and Print

    2. Read: Handling Tough Questions

    3. Read: What Not to Do

    4. Quiz #7: During the Interview

About This Course

  • Train at your own pace
  • Deliver the right messages
  • Tell your story effectively

Understand the Media.

Begin your media training course today.